Family Eid Night (Chand Raat)

Family Eid Night (Chand R...

By Anam A.

Chand Raat is a pre-Eid tradition for many families. With the advent of technology, formal moon sightings are no longer necessary to determine the arrival of Eid, but who says you can’t still have a little fun anyway? This is why on Sunday 27th July, the Pakistani Association organized an Eid Night for families at Taste of India.

Starting after Iftar, the Chand Raat festivities were an undeniable success. Music and laughter rang through the air; the scents of samosas and biryani mingled so invitingly that even those who had just eaten Iftar couldn’t help but have a taste. Children wove in and out between the tables as they played, and a couple of them even busted out some adorable dance moves to the lively Bollywood beats.

Meanwhile, their parents were able to browse a number of stalls that sold jewelry and richly embroidered clothes – a fortunate happenstance for those who were still unsure about what to wear
for Eid the next day. Keeping with tradition, there were also a number of henna artists present, and women were able to get their hands decorated with the customary intricate designs while their kids were distracted by their friends.

The event was so popular that the banquet hall remained packed for its entire duration. It is no surprise that the annual event continues to be widely attended year after year: it is an excellent opportunity for families to kick off Eid with the community, and it has the added bonus of providing services to help them prepare for the festivities the next day.