An Evening with the German Delegation
BUFFALO, NY: On Wednesday, December 07, 2022, WNYMuslims hosted a German delegation in collaboration with the International Institute of Buffalo (IIBU).
The delegation comprised 4 members:
- Ms. Ayse COSKUN - Head of Islamic Affairs Consultancy in Bavaria, Eugen Biser Foundation
- Mrs. Nicole JASJUKAITIS - Senior Councilor, Criminal Law and Cybercrime, Bavarian State Ministry of Justice
- Ms. Katharina KOENIG - Graduate Student, Potsdam University
- Ms. Awa YAVARI - Commissioner for the Rights and Interests of Children, City of Frankfurt am Main
The program started with a visit to Masjid An-Noor, for which we are extremely grateful to the Islamic Society of Niagara Frontier (ISNF) for their support and cooperation. The visit set off with a tour of the mosque followed by a meeting, presided over by Prof. Faizan Haq, Founding President, WNYMuslims, and supported by Ms. Farina Mirza, Executive Director, WNYMuslims, in which the delegates were introduced to the religious practices and with some aspects of Islamic history with a special emphasis on the concepts of exploration of U.S. outreach approaches to building strong community resistance to violent extremism; creating alternatives for at-risk youth; countering the violent extremist narrative; protecting minorities and helping partners around the world build their capacity to do the same; the session ended with a Q/A session.
The evening was concluded by dinner at Apna Dera Restaurant, for which we are grateful to the restaurant's management from the bottom of our hearts.