Collective Prayer For Buffalo Blizzard Calamity

Collective Prayer For Buf...

Please join us for the Collective Prayer for the prevailing calamity of Buffalo Blizzard on Zoom led by:
Imam Khalilullah Qadri and Imam Ismail Ayash
When: Sunday, Dec 25, 2022, 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Collective Prayer For Buffalo Blizzard Calamity

Please click here or the link below to join the session:

Passcode: 389107

Urgent Du'aa🤲🏻 Request 
Mufti Faisal Ansari sahib (MZ) - Darul Uloom Al Madania in Buffalo, N. Y. 
I am reaching out to you all with a sincere request to make dua for the safety and well-being of all of the people in Buffalo and its surrounding towns. The results of the bad weather are as follows:

  • There has been a continuous snowstorm for the last 30 hours with whiteout conditions making it impossible to drive outside.
  • The snow is supposed to continue for another 48 hours and the 911 center is shut down.
  • Hospitals are not sending ambulances because some areas have 7 feet of snow.
  • Multiple houses have no electricity and the residents are surviving on heat from their stoves.
  • There is no water as the water lines have been frozen in multiple houses.
  • Those who don't have heat resort to Kerosene heaters to get warm but Kerosene is available in very limited quantities for $20/liter.
  • Some brothers reported having seen people in the middle of the street with no sign of movement.
  • The community members are ready to provide help by providing their homes as shelters.
  • Darul Uloom has also offered its community center as a shelter but transportation has become impossible.
  • The only option right now is to shelter in place, regardless of whether or not you have heat and electricity.
    At this stage, we are dependent on help from Allah. We request all of you and the people you know, to make dua for the safety and well-being of all here in Buffalo. Jazakallahu khairan.