World Hijab Day 2024

World Hijab Day 2024

World Hijab Day, observed annually on February 1st by the World Hijab Day Organization, invites individuals of diverse faiths and backgrounds to don the Hijab (head-covering) for a day in solidarity with Muslim women across the globe. Throughout February, WNYMuslims actively raise awareness about the Hijab, aligning with the mission of the World Hijab Day Organization to foster a more harmonious world where mutual respect among global citizens prevails and to combat prejudice, discrimination, and bigotry against Muslim women.

WNYMuslims fully support WHD's cause, aiming to contribute to the creation of a peaceful world. At a time when some countries are imposing bans on the Hijab and Muslim women are facing verbal and physical harassment elsewhere, WNYMuslims dedicate the entire month of February to promote understanding and appreciation for the Hijab.

WHD's core focus is to dispel negative perceptions surrounding the Hijab, which often lead to baseless fears and harm innocent women. Rather than perpetuating harmful stereotypes in today's society, WHD provides an opportunity for everyone to learn about the Hijab and its significance in the Islamic faith.

WHD encourages community members to connect with WNYMuslims, as the organization opens its doors for support services and financial assistance. For those willing to contribute, please consider donating by clicking the provided link.

Your support is crucial in advancing the cause of promoting understanding and tolerance. For more information please reach out via email or phone at (716) 923-4386.

Please click here to donate.