Salam Shalom Conversations

Salam Shalom Conversation...

Please join Dr. Yonina Foster, ALEPH* Seminary trained and Jewish educator in western New York and  for the first interfaith event of “Salam/Shalom.” Salam/Shalom will offer peaceful, balanced means, to bring unity and understanding between the two faith communities. This first gathering will share similarities between the Muslim Ramadan and the Jewish Sabbath. Basic texts and songs will be offered to highlight the themes of each. During this first event our voices will be the instruments used.

For those inspired to bring peace and understanding through educational events between the two faith groups, please us to join in this important endeavor. We are Looking for partners to help create opportunities for friendship. Women and men are invited to assist and participate.

Salam/Shalom was most recently inspired by the tragic events in New Zealand and the tragedy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when Muslims and Jews at prayer were targeted and murdered. There has been a longstanding wish by both Dr. Foster and Prof. Faizan Haq, Founder of  Inc. to develop new friendships and understanding between the traditions through sharing and breaking bread. Prof. Haq is a great supporter of interfaith collaboration and cultural exchange and wants to use Salam Shalom as a platform to share meaningful conversations. For Dr. Foster, this began in her Maryland court when a friendship developed with a Turkish Muslim family.

Salam/Shalom will compliment initiatives already underway, including the Women’s Multicultural Group coordinated by the Jewish Community Relations Council. This and future events will avoid speaking about politics.


: (716) 923-4386;

Dr. Foster at (301) 452-7847;

*ALEPH Alliance for Jewish Renewal

 promotes awareness, diversity, and service.