Salam Shalom Conversations

Salam Shalom Conversation...

Please join us on:

Tuesday, August 6, 6:00-8:00 PM

At 275 Essjay Rd. Williamsville, NY, 14221

Light Kosher snacks will be served.

For Salam Shalom Conversations with our Jewish and Muslim community members in the WNY area. Salam Shalom Conversation is promoting dialogue for peace and balance between our faith communities. Our upcoming event is the extension of the rendezvous we had in May to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. We hope this chain of events will carry on and bring both communities closer and share culture and traditions under the roof of Salam Shalom Conversations.

Salam Shalom Conversations, first began with Dr. Yonina Andrea Foster and Farina Mirza, and founder, Prof. Faizan Haq, of WNY Muslims, after Rabbi Alex Lazarus-Klein directed Foster to speak with Ms. Mirza. While Dr. Foster’s Muslim friends in Germantown, Maryland, helped begin her journey of understanding between the faiths, she was further spurred to action after the New Zealand massacre where Muslims at prayer were murdered.

For more details please contact:

Ms. Farina Mirza

Community Outreach Coordinator, WNYMuslims

(716) 923-4386, ,

Dr. Yonina Foster,

Ph.D (American Studies) & Rabbinic, Cantorial Trained

(301) 452-7847,